join hundreds of college students from across southern california for a free evening of performance art, music, and after-hours access to the galleries! arts party is in conjunction with sex week 2018.
- music by dj wavy baby and current joys
- artist-led workshops by andre mirzaian, amanda yates garcia, elena yu, and iris yirei hu
- projections by marissa clifford and films by ucla sex squad
- scavenger hunt in stories of almost everyone
- free ice cream from saffron & rose
- cash bar and photo booth
- snacks and swag
arts party is organized by the hammer museum with contributions from the campus events commission and ucla sexual health coalition
attending this program?
all hammer programs are free
location: courtyard
ticketing: this drop-in program is not ticketed.
parking: under the museum, $6 flat rate after 6 p.m. cash only.
bags: items larger than 12” x 6” x 12” (including purses, bags, and backpacks) will not be permitted. the museum also reserves the right to inspect or prohibit any items deemed to be a security risk.