amwa on sundance inclusion resource map!
sundance inclusion resource map
amwa’s film program has been included in sundance’s inclusion resource map! find us by searching “amwa” in the search bar.
amwa film series is an annual film program that contemplates pan-asian and cross-cultural narratives localized to los angeles. our past programs have presented films by pan-asian filmmakers centered around themes of pan-asian futurity that imagines our post-colonial bodies as complete subjects and paraspace that engages with parallel and alternate realities as a method for survival.
past amwa film programs
film series 01: shorts presents films centered around pan-asian futurity that imagines our post-colonial bodies as complete subjects — dynamic and infinite.
film series 02: paraspace presents short films by pan-asian filmmakers based in los angeles. here, borders collapse. we engage with parallel and alternate realities as a method for survival — to pave new ways for reaching equilibrium via a reimagining of our collective potential and a transcendence of our physical time-space and bodies.
about the sundance inclusion resource map
this map is a searchable storehouse of opportunities and programs available to U.S.-based artists from underrepresented communities.
learn more about sundance outreach & inclusion here.